Hey 👋🏼 I'm Greg.
- 3 amazing kids and 1 amazing wife
- Still goes to church
- Splits time between Maryland and Delaware
- Will choose a beer and cigar with friends over nearly any other activity
- 43 and feels like a wide-eyed little kid
- Wrote software or led software teams for a living for 20 years, including some fun machine learning and model training stuff
- Drove from Maryland to California and back with the family to see the country and have a blast in a rented RV
- Like Erasmus, would choose books first over food and clothes
- Runs a lot
- Raced cars and taught other people how to race cars
- Has 3 half-written messes that look like novels if you squint.. at some point a finished novel will be on this list!
- Helped build a company from 2 to 250+
- Bought our 2nd house at the beach 5 years ago and paid it off
- Loves building things out of (wood | words | code | ideas)
Things I've Written
Kids Need Mystagogy Not Pedagogy
Greg here - I’m trying something new! This was just published on my Substack: Brains Are Plastic. I’m working to get into a groove and a regular posting schedule there. Please head over and…
August 17, 2024Truth And Forgiveness In The Time Of TikTok
Greg here - I’m trying something new! This was just published on my Substack: Brains Are Plastic. I’m working to get into a groove and a regular posting schedule there. Please head over and…
July 26, 2024Order of Operations
One of the defining binaries of my life - and the life of most every other western 21st century human - is the separation between production and consumption. Consumption has become near constant with…
July 09, 2024RV Trip Part Deux
We’re two weeks into this trip and I haven’t written a single word. This is for many reasons including starting the trip off very sick (likely COVID finally), lots of driving, having 9 kids around…
June 22, 2024Brief New Parent Advice
Someone I know just had their first child and randomly asked me “Any new dad tips?” This is someone I only know virtually, which means we use text not voice. So I took a minute to say more than a…
June 05, 2024Interesting Prompts, Part 3 (A Prompt Quine!)
Greg: ok, we’re going to try something different now ChatGPT: Sure, I’m ready for the next task. What would you like to try? Greg: Do you know what a quine is in programming? ChatGPT: Yes, I know what…
May 27, 2024
There's plenty more to read too
Things I'm Reading
- Elements of Eloquence- Mark Forsyth
- Plot and Structure- James Scott Bell
- A Subversive History of Music- Ted Gioia
That's 37 books so far this year.
- Brains Are Plastic - A Both/And view of understanding technology for parents - coming soon!
- CollegeValue - Compare colleges and majors based on how much money graduates make versus how much debt they accrue. Based on open-source data from the Department of Education.
Things I'm Wondering
- How are phones and technology changing the way we grow up?
- Can restaurants use spreadsheets as menus?
- How do you get better at speaking?
- How can work on small projects drive family revenue?
- What does it take to write a spy novel?
Workouts I've Killed
- 2.79 Mile Run, 2 days ago29:30 at 10:33 pace
- 0 Mile WeightTraining, 3 days ago50:00 minutes
- 0 Mile WeightTraining, 4 days ago75:00 minutes
- 0 Mile WeightTraining, 6 days ago60:00 minutes
- 3.09 Mile Run, 7 days ago34:00 at 10:58 pace
Quotes Newly Discovered
- “Quit playing it cool. Life is too short. Be intense and passionate and
mildly insane. Now, whoever's left hanging is your friend.”
-Nick Gray - “We are no longer comprehensible to each other, we inhabit different
systems of signifiers, and all the mediating fantasies have melted away,”
-Sam Kris’s - “Learning is not supposed to be fun. The primary feeling should be that of
effort. It should look a lot less like that “10 minute full body” workout
from your local digital media creator and a lot more like a serious session
at the gym. You want the mental equivalent of sweating.”
-Andrej Karparhy - “They hunted together in search of Truth, and huzzaed when they found her,
without caring who found her first, and indeed I have seen them both put
their able hands to the windlass to drag her up from the bottom of that
well in which she so strangely loves to dwell.”
-Maria Edgeworth on the dialogue between Ricardo and Malthus
- “Quit playing it cool. Life is too short. Be intense and passionate and
mildly insane. Now, whoever's left hanging is your friend.”